RSVP now for virtual REALTOR® Day meetings
REALTOR® Day at the Texas Capitol is a cornerstone event in the association’s advocacy efforts.
This event is usually held in person at the Texas Capitol during the legislative session; however, Texas REALTORS® is adapting this year’s event by hosting virtual meetings with members of the 87th Texas Legislature in March and April.
The 2021 legislative session looks different than years past, and the need for REALTORS® to advocate for Texas real estate is greater than ever.
How to participate
Visit texasrealestate.com/realtorday to RSVP for meetings with your state senator and state representative and to add the Opening Session and Closing Session to your calendar.
· March 15, 10-11 a.m.: Opening Session
· March 15-April 9: Meetings with Texas legislators—Scheduling is based on each legislator’s availability.
· April 9, 2-3 p.m. Closing Session
When are the meetings?
Texas REALTORS® is scheduling meetings with the offices of all 181 legislators. Meeting times and dates will be based on the legislators’ availability.
Please contact Jami Sims for questions about scheduling meetings with legislators.
Who will lead the meetings?
REALTORS® who serve as Key Contacts on the Texas REALTORS® Legislative Contact Teams will lead the discussions with legislators.
Please contact Joanna Ramirez for questions about how REALTORS® can join a Legislative Contact Team.